Dominique Angel
Dominique Angel was born in 1942 in Briançon, and he lives and works in Marseille. As was often the case at the time of the Dada artists, he is both a novelist and an artist. Each new work by Dominique Angel is named Pièce supplémentaire [Additional piece] because it is one of the fragments of an overall work that uses diverse means of expression such as sculpture, installation, video, photography and writing
Dominique Angel concealed a video creation in Pierre Gassendi’s study: Pièce supplémentaire n°23, inspired by Gassendi’s study. His residence in Digne also gave rise to his novel, Ça m’ennuirait de mourir avant la fin de ma vie [It would bother me if I die before the end of my life], co-published by the Musée Gassendi and Fage Éditions.
In 2005, Dominique Angel created Pièce supplémentaire [Additional piece], a sculpture installed in Saint-Benoît Park, Digne-les-Bains.
More information on Dominique Angel >HERE<